David Tran

David Tran

Company Member

2014 - Present


David (he/him) is a graduate of Orange County School of the Arts’ Drama conservatory. Stage highlights include: Martin Sherman’s Bent (Rudy), Bert V. Royal’s Dog Sees God (Beethoven) and Terrance McNally’s Corpus Christi (Thomas). He has also worked on various theatrical projects for Cbs, Cw, Mtv and Nickelodeon. When he’s not at home watching reruns of Golden Girls with his dog, he is out in the field flexing his other creative muscle in the fashion industry as a visual merchandiser and stylist, or helping with events at Celebration Theatre where he’s been an active company member since he moved to Los Angeles in 2014.

Credits & Awards


Credits: Theater Name, Theater Name, Theater Name, Theater Name, Theater Name, Theater Name, Theater Name, Theater Name


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